Felt hats for men
Never again without a hat in winter! With us you will find felt hats for men and winter hats fmade only from the best materials and of course exclusively handmade in our atelier.
Our casual men's hats are the best companions during the cold season. But not only then: felt hats can be worn all year round! Because hair felts are particularly soft and warming. At the same time, they adapt to the respective weather and temperature. Thanks to their breathable structure, you don't sweat, while at the same time the hair acts like a natural impregnation. This way, hats made of hair felt keep their shape even in rain and snow.
Discover our wide range of felt hats for men:
Fedora and trilby are the classics for men. Both hat shapes have the characteristic men's hat crown with the two indentations on the sides and its larger notch on the top. The only difference is the width of the brim. While the Fedora hat has a larger brim width of between 6 cm and a maximum of 9 cm, the brim of the Trilby is a maximum of 5 cm wide. Often the brims are turned up at the back. But this does not have to be the case. Other iconic felt hat styles for men are the porkpie hat, matelot hat, cowboy hat, bowler hat and of course the top hat.
We also design all these styles to measure - completely individually for you.
Cowboy hat »Clint«
Gentleman's hat for winter 2024
felt hat W2024Harlem for men
Pork pie hat for men Winter 2024
Felt hat W2024Lennie for winter
Felt hat for gentlemen Winter 2024
fedora hat W2024Savoy
Mens hat winter 2024
trilby hat W2024Mattie
Mens' hat for winter
trilby hat W2024Fred
Gaucho hat
Felt hat »Cameron«
Homburg hat
Filzhut für Herren
Trilby hat
Bucket hat W2021Harris
made from 100% cashmere form men and for women
Felt hat »Chris 6«
Fedora hat for men
Fedora hat
Bowler hat
Calssic felt hat W2019Bingley for men
Cowboy hat
Trilby hat
Porkpie hat
Nicki Marquardt Herrenhut W2019Logan
Pork pie hat
Trilby hat »Damian«
Trilby hat »Richard 5»
W2020Richard 5
Felt hat
Fedora hat
Trilby hat
Felt hat
Winter hat for men
Fedora hat
Porkpie hat
Nicki Marquardt hat W2019Samuel
Felt hat
Fedora hat
Nicki Marquardt felt hat W2020Benjamin
Foldable hat
Felt hat for men
Nicki Marquardt trilby hat W2019Scott
Matelot hat
Nicki Marquardt felt hat W2019Francis
Collapsible hat
Felt hat
Top hat made from fur felt
Couture hat for weddings or the races
Top hat made from felt and leather
Elegant hat for men